
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu musaa
( qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'an nakun 'awal man 'alqaa ( 65 ) qal bal 'alquu fa'iidha hibaluhum waeisiuhum yukhayal 'iilayh min sihrihim 'anaha taseaa ( 66 ) fa'awjas fi nafsih khifat musaa ( 67 ) qulna la takhaf 'iinak 'ant al'aelaa ( 68 ) wa'alq ma fi yaminik talqaf ma sanaeuu 'iinama sanaeuu kayd sahir wala yuflih alsaahir hayth 'ataa ( 69 ) fa'ulqi alsaharat sujadanaan qaluu amanaa birabi harun wamusaa ( 70 ) ) .
yaqul taealaa mukhabiraan ean alsaharat hin tawafaquu hum wamusaa , ealayh alslam , 'anahum qaluu limusaa : ( 'iimaa 'an tulqi ) 'aya : 'ant awla ( 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'an nakun 'awal man 'alqaa qal bal 'alquu ) 'aya : 'antum awlaan liaraa madha tasnaeun min alsihr , waliuzhir lilnaas jaliyat 'amrihim , ( fa'iidha hibaluhum waeisiuhum yukhayal 'iilayh min sihrihim 'anaha taseaa ) . wafi alayat al'ukhraa 'anahum lamaa 'alqawa ( waqaluu bieizat fireawn 'iinaa lanahn alghalibun ) [ alshueara' : 44 ] waqal taealaa : ( saharuu 'aeyun alnaas wastarhabuhum waja'uu bisihr eazim ) [ al'aeraf : 116 ] , waqal hahuna ( fa'iidha hibaluhum waeisiuhum yukhayal 'iilayh min sihrihim 'anaha taseaa ) .
wdhlk 'anahum 'uwdaeuha min alzuybiq ma kanat tataharak bsbbh watadtarib watamid , bihayth yukhayal lilnnazir 'anaha taseaa biaikhtiariha , wa'iinama kanat hilatan , wakanuu jamanaan ghafiraan wajameaan kabiraan fa'alqaa kl minhum easaan wahabalaan hataa sar alwadi milan hayat yurakib bedha baedana .
waqawlih : ( fa'awjas fi nafsih khifatan musaa ) 'ayu khaf ealaa alnaas 'an yaftatinuu bisihrihim wayaghtaruu bihim qabl 'an yulqi ma fi yaminih , fa'awhaa allah taealaa 'iilayh fi alssaeat alrrahinat 'an ( wa'alq ma fi yaminik ) yaeni : easah , fa'iidha hi ( talqaf ma sanaeuu ) wdhlk 'anaha sarat tanina eazimana hayila dha euyun waqawayim waeunq waras wa'adras , fajaealt tatabie tilk alhibal waleasiya hataa lm tabuq minha shayyana 'iilaa talaqafatah waibtalaeath , walsihrat walnaas yanzurun 'iilaa dhlk eiana jahratan , naharanaan dahwatan . faqamat almuejazat , waitadah alburhan , wabatal ma kanuu yaemalun ; walahdha qal taealaa : ( 'iinama sanaeuu kayd sahir wala yuflih alsaahir hayth 'ataa ) .
waqal abn 'abi hatm hadathana 'abi , hadathana muhamad bin musaa alshiybanii hadathana hammad bin khalid , hadathana abn maeadh - 'ahsabah alssayigh - ean alhasan , ean jundub bin eabd allh albajalii qal : qal rasul allah [ s: 303 ] salaa allah ealayh wasalam " 'iidha 'akhadhtum - yaeni alsaahir - faiqtuluh " thuma qara : ( wala yuflih alsaahir hayth 'ataa ) qal : " laa yumin bih hayth wajad .
waqad rawaa 'aslah altarmudhiu mawqufaan wamarfueaan

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

falamaa eayan alsaharat dhlk washahiduh , walahum khibrat bifunun alsihr watarqih wawujuhuh , ealimuu eilm alyaqin 'ana hdha aldhy faealah musaa lays min qubayl alsihr walhil , wa'anah haqun la miryat fih , wala yuqadar ealaa hadha 'iilaa aladhi yaqul lilshay' kun fayakun , faeind dhlk waqaeuu sujadanaan lilah waqaluu : ( amanaa birabi alealamin raba musaa waharun ) [ alshueara' : 47 , 48 ] .
walahdha qal abn eabbas , waeubayd bin eumayr : kanuu 'awal alnahar sihratan , wfy akhir alnahar shuhada' barara .
qal muhamad bin kaeb : kanuu thamanin 'alfaan , waqal alqasim bin 'abi bizat : kanuu sabein 'alfaan .
waqal alsadiy : bdet wathalathin 'alfaan .
waqal althawriu : ean eabd aleaziz bin rafie , ean 'abii thamamat : kan suharat fireawn tset eshr 'alfaan .
waqal muhamad bin 'iishaq : kanuu khmst eshr 'alfaan .
waqal kaeb al'ahbar kanuu athny eshr 'alfaan .
waqal abn 'abi hatim : hadathana eali bin alhusayn , hadathana muhamad bin eali bin hamzat , hadathana eali bin alhusayn bin waqid , ean 'abih , ean yazid alnahwii , ean eakramat , ean abn eabbas qal : kanat alsaharat sabein rajulanaan 'asbahuu sihratan wa'amsuu shuhada' .
qal abn 'abi hatim : hadathana 'abi , hadathana almsyb bin wadih bimakat , hadathana abn almubarak qal : qal al'awzaeiu : lamaa khara alsaharat sujadanaan rafaeat lahum aljanat hataa nazaruu 'iilayha .
qal : wadhakar ean saeid bin salam : hadathana 'iismaeil bin eabd allh bin sulayman , ean salim al'aftas , ean saeid bin jabir qawlah : ( fa'ulqi alsaharat sujadanaan ) qal : ra'awa manaziluhum tabanaa lahum wahum fi sujudihim . wakadha qal eakramat walqasim bin 'abi biza .

The interpretation of the verse "They said Moses

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

(67) We said, do not be afraid that you are the highest (68) and threw out what (Moses) said, "Do not be afraid, (69) The sorcerers gave a prostitute, saying, "Believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses" (70).

God says to Moses: (either to receive) any: you first (either to receive or be the first to throw said, but thrown), ie: you first to see what you make of magic, And to show the people clearly, (if their ropes and sticks to imagine the magic they seek). In the other verse, they were not thrown (and said with the pride of Pharaoh, we are the winners) [poets: 44] The Almighty said: (charmed the eyes of people and Asthrabhm and came with great magic) [norms: 116], and said here (if their ropes and sticks to imagine the magic they seek) .

Because they deposited it from the mercury, which was moving because of it and trembling and swaying, so that the viewer imagines that it is seeking to choose it, but it was a trick, and they were a great mass and a large gathering, and each threw a stick and a rope until the valley became full of lives riding together.

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

And he said: (Vogs himself in fear of Moses), which is afraid of people to be fascinated by their charm and tempt them before throwing what is in his right, Vohoy God to him at the current time that (and what is on your right) means: stick, if they (take what they did) And she became a great great dragon with eyes and rolls and neck and head and lights, so I followed those ropes and sticks until I did not leave anything but grabbed and swallowed, and sorceress and people look at it in a loud, Then the miracle came, and the proof was revealed, and the hero of what they were doing; This is why the Almighty says: "They have made a witch's hand, and the magician does not succeed where he comes."

The son of Abu Hatem told us my father, told us Mohammed bin Musa al-Shaibani told us Hammad bin Khalid, told us the son of Moaz - calculated by the jeweler - from Hassan, from Jundab bin Abdullah al-Bagali said: The Messenger of Allah (p. 303) peace be upon him " - the magician - kill him "and then read: (does not succeed magician where he came) said:" do not believe where he found.

The origin of Tirmidhi narrated and suspended.

When the sorcerers saw that and saw it, and they had experience in the arts of magic and its ways and their faces, they knew with certainty that this is what Moses did not be like magic and tricks. : (Amen to the Lord of the Worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron) [Poets: 47, 48].

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

This is why Ibn Abbaas and Ubayd ibn Umayr said: "The first day was a witch, and at the end of the day they were righteous martyrs.

Muhammad ibn Ka'b said: They were eighty thousand, and al-Qasim ibn Abi Bazah said: They were seventy thousand.

Al-Sudi said: Thirty-three thousand.

Al-Thawri said: It was narrated from 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Rafee' from Abu Thammah: The magicians of Pharaoh were nineteen thousand.

Muhammad ibn Ishaq said: They were fifteen thousand.

The heel of the inks were twelve thousand.

Ibn Abi Hatim said: Ali bin Al-Hussein told us that Muhammad bin Ali bin Hamza told us that Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Waqid told us about his father, about Yazid al-Nujawi, about Akrama. Ibn Abbas said: The magicians were seventy men who became magicians and martyrs.

Ibn Abi Hatim said, "My father told us," Al-Musayyib told us, "We have a son who is clear in Makkah."

Said: Said bin Salam: Ismail bin Abdullah bin Suleiman told us about Salim al-Aftas, Said bin Jubair said: (Wizards threw prostrate) said: They saw their homes built for them while they prostrate. As well as said Akrama and Qasim bin Abi Baza.

tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

افتراضي رد: tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

رد: tafsir qawlah taealaa " qaluu ya musaa 'iimaa 'an tulqi wa'iimaa 'a

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : مريم 2

الساعة الآن 10:50 PM

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التسجيل بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل