
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal The Family of 'Imrân 91:120

Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal The Family of 'Imrân 91:120
Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran in English.
Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal
The Family of 'Imrân 91:120

Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal The Family of 'Imrân 91:120

Lo! those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such an one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers.
Ye will not attain unto piety until ye spend of that which ye love. And whatsoever ye spend, Allah is Aware thereof.
All food was lawful unto the Children of Israel, save that which Israel forbade himself, (in days) before the Torah was revealed. Say: Produce the Torah and read it (unto us) if ye are truthful.
And whoever shall invent a falsehood after that concerning Allah, such will be wrong-doers.
Say: Allah speaketh truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, the upright. He was not of the idolaters.
Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed for mankind was that at Becca, a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples;
Wherein are plain memorials (of Allah’s guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe. And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither. As for him who disbelieveth, (let him know that) lo! Allah is Independent of (all) creatures.
Say: O People of the Scripture! Why disbelieve ye in the revelations of Allah, when Allah (Himself) is Witness of what ye do ?
Say: O People of the Scripture! Why drive ye back believers from the way of Allah, seeking to make it crooked, when ye are witnesses (to Allah’s guidance) ? Allah is not unaware of what ye do.
O ye who believe! If ye obey a party of those who have received the Scripture they will make you disbelievers after your belief.
How can ye disbelieve, when it is ye unto whom Allah’s revelations are recited, and His messenger is in your midst ? He who holdeth fast to Allah, he indeed is guided unto a right path.
O ye who believe! Observe your duty to Allah with right observance, and die not save as those who have surrendered (unto Him)
And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah’s favour unto you: How ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that haply ye may be guided,
And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful.
And be ye not as those who separated and disputed after the clear proofs had come unto them. For such there is an awful doom,
On the Day when (some) faces will be whitened and (some) faces will be blackened; and as for those whose faces have been blackened, it will be said unto them: Disbelieved ye after your (profession of) belief ? Then taste the punishment for that ye disbelieved.
And as for those whose faces have been whitened, in the mercy of Allah they dwell for ever.
These are revelations of Allah. We recite them unto thee in truth. Allah willeth no injustice to (His) creatures.
Unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; and unto Allah all things are returned.
Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture had believed it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers.
They will not harm you save a trifling hurt, and if they fight against you they will turn and flee. And afterward they will not be helped.
Ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found save (where they grasp) a rope from Allah and a rope from men. They have incurred anger from their Lord, and wretchedness is laid upon them. That is because they used to disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slew the prophets wrongfully. That is because they were rebellious and used to transgress.
They are not all alike. Of the People of the Scripture there is a staunch community who recite the revelations of Allah in the night season, falling prostrate (before Him).
They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency, and vie one with another in good works. These are of the righteous.
And whatever good they do, they will not be denied the meed thereof. Allah is Aware of those who ward off (evil).
Lo! the riches and the progeny of those who disbelieve will not avail them aught against Allah; and such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein.
The likeness of that which they spend in this life of the world is as the likeness of a biting, icy wind which smiteth the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves, and devastateth it. Allah wronged them not, but they do wrong themselves.
O ye who believe! Take not for intimates others than your own folk, who would spare no pains to ruin you; they love to hamper you. Hatred is revealed by (the utterance of) their mouths, but that which their breasts hide is greater. We have made plain for you the revelations if ye will understand.
Lo! ye are those who love them though they love you not, and ye believe in all the Scripture. When they fall in with you they say: We believe; but when they go apart they bite their finger-tips at you, for rage. Say: Perish in your rage! Lo! Allah is Aware of what is hidden in (your) breasts.
If a lucky chance befall you, it is evil unto them, and if disaster strike you they rejoice thereat. But if ye persevere and keep from evil their guile will never harm you. Lo! Allah is Surrounding what they do.

Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal The Family of 'Imrân 91:120

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal The Family of 'Imrân 91:120

مشكوره حبيبتي
تسلم الايادي يا عسل

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

قد تكوني مهتمة بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
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