
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


129770 Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

Take care of the severity of the greatest prophet peace be upon him order the statutes , to make her Oahaka , a tribal or Sunan dimensional , and we consider it enacted , but one of the imams , and explained when this conversation between said { what is not , but it is the thing of it }
The meaning is :

Robes that if the breach happened , and I gave it to Rafa to repair it with a second , having become Arfaita this piece of robes , before that Arfaita this piece, was not it, but after that it became the well-being of it
There is no one of us who can pray the prayer that from its inception to its conclusion attend with his master , there must be some omissions and negligence , negligence , and therefore aware of the Prophet peace be upon him companions that Istghafroa after the completion of the prayer , he says, every man of them : I ask forgiveness from the Almighty God who does not God is the only neighborhood Gayoom and repent to Him three times mm ask forgiveness ? They have been in obedience ?
They ask forgiveness from the default , and palaces , and apathy that déjà in prayer , may God compels it, accept it from them , so what compels default ? He said peace be upon him talk long { The first to be held accountable by the Day of Resurrection of his links , Pray has succeeded and the most successful , although they were disappointed, spoiled and lost , though detracted from Arbth . God said : Look Do Abdi of volunteer completes what it detracted from the obligatory , then have the rest of his work on this } [1]
In the novel Tamim Dari may Allah be pleased with him in the mosque of conversations and Almrassel { the most complete , and only said: Look at him you volunteered ? Completing a DUTY of volunteering , the ordinance did not complete , and did not have volunteered , taking Btrfait Fikzv him into the fire }
So redundancy force statutes , and so does the mother Nuala ordinances ? So those are the ordinances be banal ? Lvz be to say that in the presence of the Prophet { would prefer to pray in congregation prayers feat twenty-seven degrees } [2]
The feat is the one who has no peer in his worship nor obedience nor piety nor feared for his master does not mean feat of praying alone Valenual all for us is the ordinances , that God bless the man and forced him , and bothering to all concerns , and pray the prayer of those who know ; Here only be naafil banal near the Lord of the worlds of the presence of the Almighty
So the statutes is the first door that man must July Gel and more interest in his care , and Palace ? I just shorten it be an understatement in his place , and would minimize when the Lord Almighty , and following the lead of rights statutes , increases in redundancy
What redundancy , which was maintained by the righteous so that God loves them ? { Still Abdi draw near to Me with supererogatory works until I love him } are the same redundancy that Jesus was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him carried out , and he doeth God Almighty, and redundancy that with the statutes Muftarzat , responded by saying peace be upon him in the Hadith { of peace in day and night twelve rak'ahs God voluntarily built him a house in paradise } [3]
It was peace be upon him pray two rak'ahs before waxing it, two before noon , and two after noon, and four by the age , and two after Morocco , and two before dinner , and the two then Flo prayed human ten of these rakahs built his mansion in Paradise , has been reported in the last ten rakahs many accounts the most famous , from Nafi may God bless him son Amrredy Allah be pleased with him [4] ( ten rakahs The Prophet peace be upon him attend them : rak'ahs before noon , and two after noon, and two after Morocco , and two after dinner , and two rak'ahs before dawn ) In another famous novel he ( saved from the Messenger of Allah was ten rakahs pray night and day . - said ten rakahs .. )
Sunan and confirmed that the Prophet peace be upon him maintained by , and recommended by his friends , what are they? Say where the Prophet Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him { advised me Khalili peace be upon him three : fasting three days of each month , and the two rak'ahs morn , and Otter before I sleep }

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

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توقيع : حسناء

افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن
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توقيع : Frawla

افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

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افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : الملكة نفرتيتي

افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: Statutes and Sunan الفرائض والسنن

جزاكي الله كل خير

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

الساعة الآن 08:34 PM

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