
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي كتاب الزكاة بالانجليزي عالم المعرفة 2025 بالانجليزية

السلام عليكم و رحمة اله تعالى و بركاته

كتيب شامل عن الزكاه بالانجليزي
علي بركة الله تعالي

In my language: development and cleansing, Money grown out of no where seen, which cleanses the sins of the performer, and was told: grown reward when God Almighty. And it was named in the Zakat al-Shara to the presence of the linguistic meaning, and was told: because it indents owner and attest to the health of his faith, as already in saying peace be upon him: "The charity is proof." They said, and named the charity; because it is a guide to the ratification of the owner and the health of his belief in the phenomenon and inwardly, Cadi Ayyad said: The al-maziri - God's mercy - may understand Shara that Zakat obligatory for the console, and that sympathy is not only in the capital of his pal, a quorum, and then make them into fixed funds ; an eye transplant and cattle, and unanimously agreed on the necessity of Zakat in these species, and disagreed with others such as presentations, public is Aoajabun Zakat presentations, David prevents attached saying peace be upon him: "it is not the man in the servant nor his horse charity" and upload the public on what was the cannula, and select Shara quorum of each sex, including potentially sympathy; Vensab silver: five Ooaq, which is two hundred dirhams, the text of the modern consensus. The gold: Vashron shekels. And relying on the consensus said: narrated the otherwise offbeat, also stating talk about the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Saying peace be upon him: (not with under five Ooaki charity) thus took place in the first novel: (Ooaki) Bagliae, and the rest later novels (Ooaq) delete AZ, and both are true. People Language: condoms are said to include Hamza and tighten up and collected Ooaki tighten AZ, mitigate, and Ooaq deleted, Qalabn skeet in the reform: all that was of this type one stressing Jazz collected emphasis and mitigation, Valooukah and Alooaki, confidentiality and concubines and Alchtah and attic and Alotvih and analogues, and denied their audience to be told per: (oz) by deleting hamza, and told [p. 45] Alalehyana permissible delete waw and tighten up and collected (and Kaya), and the entire people of modern jurisprudence and imams of the people of the language that condoms are legitimate dirhams forty, an ounce of Hejaz: Cadi Ayyad said, is not valid that condoms are unknown dirhams be in the Prophet, peace be upon him the time, which requires Zakat in the numbers of them, and is located by Albaaat and Marriages as was proven in the right conversations, he said: this shows that the words of one who claims that dirhams were not known at the time of Abdul Malik bin Marwan, and he collected the opinion of scientists and make all ten weight seven Mthaqil, and the weight of the dirham six Doanic falsehood, but the meaning of what the transfer of that it was not them something of a strike against Islam and the recipe is no different, but were groups of hitting Persia and the Romans and the young and old, cut silver is multiplied and plaid, and a Yemeni and Moroccan, they saw disbursed to strike against Islam and engraved and Tsaerha weight and one is no different, and Oaaana to dispense with all the scales, they collected the largest and the smallest and beat him with their weight, judge: There is no doubt that the dirham then was known, said, otherwise, how were attached to the rights of God says in the Zakat and other rights of other people? That was the ounce piece of information, this is the word of the judge. Our companions said: the whole people of the first period on the appreciation of this weight is known, which is that the dirham six Doanic every ten dirhams seven Mthaqil, Almthagal did not change in ignorance of Islam.

مع السلامة بنات ما تنسو التفاعل

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : فخامة ملكة

افتراضي رد: كتاب الزكاة بالانجليزي عالم المعرفة 2025 بالانجليزية

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