
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


129862 Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

His sisters, and the meditative and contemplative, these are some suspicions Almtbarjat, and respond to them in the summary words:

You may say: I love God and this is enough.

• Tell her Say: "If you love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Al-Imran, 31].

You may say: Religion is pleased.

• We say to her: "God wants you easy and does not want you hardship ([Baqarah: 185], and God ordered the hijab to facilitate.

You may say: The Altarj is an easy thing.

We say: "When you receive it with your tongues, and you say in your mouths, what you do not have knowledge, you will count it as low, and it is great with God." [Al-Nur: 15]

You may say: I am small, I will be banished when bigger.

• We say: Death does not know small or large.

You may say: I will be banished after marriage.

• We say: "The slave to deny the livelihood of guilt affects him" [1], you are forbidden to marry because of this sin.

You may say: My husband does not accept the hijab.

• We say: "No obedience to a creature in disobedience to the Creator" [2].

You might say: I'm embarrassed when I'm convinced of the hijab.

• We say: "And if a believer is not insured, if Allah and His Messenger decreed that they should have the best of their affairs, and whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he will be astray.

You may say: The veil hinders work and education.

• We say: The chastity of women is greater than all things, and the satisfaction of Allaah and his family is more precious than everything, and how many veiled women are wearing hijab.

You may say: I am afraid of people ridicule.

• We say: you pride and Ttouba, they mocked the Prophet peace be upon him, this is the way of the prophets and the righteous.

You may say: The weather is hot, and I can not wear the hijab.

• We say: "Say the fire of hell is more free if they understand (repentance: 81).

You may say: The whole community is so.

• We say: that and God is the worst article to the people of fire, they said And also what we sent before you in the village of Nazir, but said Mtfhha we found our parents on the nation and we on the effects of the Muqtada ([decoration: 23], and said And obey more than In the earth, they will mislead you from the path of Allah, that they follow only the hypocrites, and that they will only be cut off. [Al-An'am: 116].

You may say: The purity of the heart is the veil.

• We say: If the heart is cleansed, then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Not in the body is a prostitute: if the whole body is reconciled, and if the whole body is corrupted, it is the heart." [3]

You might say: "If you are veiled, they accused me of belonging to a certain group, and I hate partying

• We say: There is only two parties in Islam, God mentioned in his holy book:

The first: Hezbollah: They are the ones who obey his orders and avoid his nihilism.

And the second: the party of Satan: they are those who violate the orders of God Almighty.

Do you see that you love to be one of the parents of Allah, or of the parents of Satan?

His sisters, these were some of the suspicions Almtbarjat answer in brief for fear of prolongation.

[1] Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (22438).

[2] Explanation of the Sunnah; for the Bagawi (2455), and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Mishkat (3696).

[3] Narrated by al-Bukhaari (52), and Muslim (1599).

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Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : جنا حبيبة ماما

افتراضي رد: Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

الله يرضى عليكِ ويبارك فيكِ مبارك التثبيت تتكرمى فى الجنة يارب
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

رد: Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you
رد: Suspicions about repentance and response,Your veil protects you

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

الساعة الآن 08:38 AM

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