
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي English Translation of Quran SABA' Surat 27:54 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

English Translation of Quran SABA' Surat 27:54 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

English Translation of Quran
SABA' Surat

Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal

English Translation of Quran SABA' Surat 27:54 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth
Say: Show me those whom ye have joined unto Him as partners. Nay (ye dare not)! For He is Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.
And We have not sent thee (O Muhammad) save as a bringer of good tidings and a warner unto all mankind; but most of mankind know not.
And they say: When is this promise (to be fulfilled) if ye are truthful ?
Say (O Muhammad): Yours is the promise of a Day which ye cannot postpone nor hasten by an hour.
And those who disbelieve say: We believe not in this Qur’an nor in that which was before it; but oh, if thou couldst see, when the wrong- doers are brought up before their Lord, how they cast the blame one to another; how those who were despised (in the earth) say unto those who were proud: But for you, we should have been believers.
Those who were proud say unto those who were despised: Did we drive you away from the guidance after it had come unto you ? Nay, but ye were guilty.
Those who were despised say unto those who were proud: Nay but (it was your) scheming night and day, when ye commanded us to disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals unto Him. And they are filled with remorse when they behold the doom; and We place carcans on the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they requited aught save what they used to do ?
And We sent not unto any township a warner, but its pampered ones declared: Lo! we are disbelievers in that wherewith ye have been sent.
And they say: We are more (than you) in wealth and children. We are not the punished!
Say (O Muhammad): Lo! my Lord enlargeth the provision for whom He will and narroweth it (for whom He will). But most of mankind know not.
And it is not your wealth nor your children that will bring you near unto Us, but he who believeth and doeth good (he draweth near). As for such, theirs will be twofold reward for what they did and they will dwell secure in lofty halls.
And as for those who strive against Our revelations, challenging, they will be brought to the doom.
Say: Lo! my Lord enlargeth the provision for whom He will of His bondmen, and narroweth (it) for him. And whatsoever ye spend (for good) He replaceth it. And He is the Best of Providers.
And on the day when He will gather them all together, He will say unto the angels: Did these worship you ?
They will say: Be Thou Glorified. Thou (alone) art our Guardian, not them! Nay, but they worshipped the jinn; most of them were believers in them.
That day ye will possess no use nor hurt one for another. And We shall say unto those who did wrong: Taste the doom of the Fire which ye used to deny.
And if Our revelations are recited unto them in plain terms, they say: This is naught else than a man who would turn you away from what your fathers used to worship; and they say: This is naught else than an invented lie. Those who disbelieve say of the truth when it reacheth them: This is naught else than mere magic.
And We have given them no scriptures which they study, nor sent We unto them, before thee, any warner.
Those before them denied, and these have not attained a tithe of that which We bestowed on them (of old); yet they denied My messengers. How intense then was My abhorrence (of them)!
Say (unto them, O Muhammad): I exhort you unto one thing only: that ye awake, for Allah’s sake, by twos and singly, and then reflect: There is no madness in your comrade. He is naught else than a warner unto you in face of a terrific doom.
Say: Whatever reward I might have asked of you is yours. My reward is the affair of Allah only. He is Witness over all things.
Say: Lo! my Lord hurleth the truth. (He is) the Knower of Things Hidden.
Say: The Truth hath come, and falsehood showeth not its face and will not return.
Say: If I err, I err only to my own loss, and if I am rightly guided it is because of that which my Lord hath revealed unto me. Lo! He is Hearer, Nigh.
Couldst thou but see when they are terrified with no escape, and are seized from near at hand,
And say: We (now) believe therein. But how can they reach (faith) from afar off,
When they disbelieved in it of yore. They aim at the unseen from afar off.
And a gulf is set between them and that which they desire, as was done for people of their kind of old. Lo! they were in hopeless doubt.
English Translation of Quran SABA' Surat 27:54 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: English Translation of Quran SABA' Surat 27:54 Translation: Mamdouk Bic

مشكوره حبيبتي

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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