
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)
English Language TranslationEnglish Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)
The Meanings of The Holy Quran

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)
English Language Translation The Meanings of
SurahAl-'An'am (9) -

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

[6.127] Theirs is the abode of peace with their Lord. He is their Guardian for what they did.

[6.128] On the Day when He assembles them all together, 'O company of Jinn, you have seduced mankind in great numbers. ' And their guided ones among the humans will say: 'Lord, we have enjoyed each other. But now we have reached the term which You have appointed for us. ' He will say: 'The Fire shall be your lodging, and there you shall remain for ever except as Allah will. ' Your Lord is Wise, Knowing.

[6.129] So We make the harmdoers guides of each other for what they have earned.

[6.130] 'Jinn and human, did there not come to you Messengers of your own who narrated to you My verses and warned you of encountering this Day? ' They will reply: 'We bear witness against ourselves. ' Indeed, the life of this world beguiled them. They will bear witness against themselves that they were unbelievers.

[6.131] That is because your Lord will not destroy villages unjustly, while their inhabitants were inattentive.

[6.132] They all have their degrees according to their deeds. Your Lord is not inattentive of their actions.

[6.133] Your Lord is Rich and the Owner of Mercy. He can destroy you if He will and replace you with whom He pleases, just as He raised you from the offspring of other nations.

[6.134] That which you are promised is sure to come. You shall not frustrate Me.

[6.135] Say: 'Work according to your station my people, for indeed I am working. ' You shall know to whom will be the good end of the abode. The harmdoers shall not be triumphant.

[6.136] They set aside for Allah a share of what He has created of tilth and cattle saying: 'This is for Allah so they claim and this for our associates (gods). ' The share of their associates never reaches Allah, but the share of Allah reaches their associates. How evil they judge!

[6.137] As such their associates made it attractive to the idolaters to kill their children so that they ruin them and confuse them about their religion. But had Allah willed, they would not have done so. Therefore, leave them to their false inventions.

[6.138] They say: 'These cattle, and these crops are forbidden. None can eat of them except those whom we permit' so they claim 'and cattle whose backs are forbidden, and others over which they do not pronounce the Name of Allah. ' As such fabricating lies against Him. He will recompense them for their invented lies.

[6.139] They also say: 'What is in the bellies (wombs) of these cattle is reserved for our males but not for our wives. ' But if it is stillborn, they all partake of it. He will recompense them for their describing. He is Wise, Knowing.

[6.140] Lost are those who, without knowledge, have foolishly slain their own children and made unlawful that which Allah has provided them, fabricating lies about Allah. They have gone astray and are not guided.

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)
Translated by : Grand
Shaykh, Professor Hasan
English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

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توقيع : أم أمة الله

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رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)

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رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of SurahAl-'An'am (9)
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توقيع : أم أمة الله

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