
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


129127 One of Hassan Islam

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) : "من حسن إسلام المرء تركه مالا يعنيه". (حديث حسن رواه الترمذي وغيره هكذا)

Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) : "It is a good Muslim one left money means ." ( Hasan hadeeth narrated by al - Tirmidhi and others so on)

Explain the benefits of modern
Saying peace be upon him : ( ( of a good Muslim one left that does not concern him ) ), or does not care about religion and the world order of actions and words . He said peace be upon him to Abu Dhar when asked about the newspapers Abraham said (it was أمثالا all, was where : O Sultan uppity I did not أبعثك to raise funds to each other , but Bostk to respond for oppressed I do not أردها , but وكانت than an infidel. Was where : on sapiens unless مغلوبا on his mind to have four hours : an hour conversing with the Lord, and an hour speculate in the making of God , and an hour occurs himself , and an hour without relegated to the glory and honor , but that hour Aoun has Alytlk hours . and was where : on sapiens unless مغلوبا on his mind , not to be seeking only in three things: provide for the refund, and مؤنة to a pension , and the thrill of the non- Muharram. was it : the wise unless مغلوبا on his mind to be discreet for his time, coming to would. memorized the tongue, It is by talking of his work is about to at least speak only what it means )).
I said: my father and mother what was in the newspapers of Moses ? He said: ( (they were crossed the whole , it was where : How wonderful for those who realized the fire how to laugh, and screamed for Mnaiguen death how to rejoice , and screamed for those who saw the world and the volatile its people which reassures them, and screamed for those who realize the extent then it is angry, and screamed for those who realize the account tomorrow and he does not works ) ) ? ! .
I said: my father and mother stayed which was in Sahvhma something ? He said: ( ( yes Aaibadhir { Successful indeed indents * and mention the name of his Lord and prays * but تؤثرون the Alehiahaldnia * Hereafter is better and more lasting * If it's for the first newspapers * Newspapers Abraham, Moses } [Top :14 - 19 ] . To last sura .
I said: my father and my mother أوصني , he said ( I advise you to fear God , they Rosamrk whole )), said: I said زدني , said: (( You recitation of the Quran and Azkrallah much it reminds you of the sky) ) , I said زدني , he said (you jihad it monastic believers) ) , I said زدني , he said: ( (you silence it steady for the demons you, Aoun you is your religion )) , I said زدني , he said: ( Say ( right if MRA )) , I said زدني , he said (do not take you in God to anybody as long ) ), I said: زدني , said ( ( Pray uterus and Anqtauk )), I said: زدني , he said: ( (according to the man of evil is unaware Mnnevsh , and cost what does not concern him . , O Abu Dhar : I do not mind Kaltdber , nor devout Kulkip , not good as good manners ) ) .

One of Hassan Islam

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

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الساعة الآن 03:35 PM

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