
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


جديد تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

Education Tajweed

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

Hide Almim: hide static Almim with into account Aghannh, and it happens if the static Almim met with B movies, and-called oral Akhvaoua (because Almim and Alaba go out of the lips when pronunciation). ABC concealment (Alaba Only).

إدغام Almim: is إدغام the Almim the static if he came after the M Animations, so Mima Tasiran and one tight, taking into account Aghannh, is identical إدغام called small. ABC slurring (Meem only).

إدغام Bgenh: is إدغام the static Noon or Tanween in the letter that followed with a غنة, and these Aghannh be increased by two movements, and Aghannh: is the melodious voice comes out of the bluegill do not work for the San therein. (Letters)
Four letters in the word group (grow).

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

إدغام otherwise غنة: is enter Noon static or special characters in the character that followed without غنة or D.

Show Almim: is static Almim pronunciation of the phenomenon of non-hide or غنة the if then any character came except Almim and Alaba called (Manifesting oral).

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

Concealment: Language: Jackets.

Idiomatically: static is بالنون pronunciation between Manifesting and slurring Without tightening, so most pronounced disappears and appears its place full غنة.

ABC concealment
Concealment happen if he came after Noon static or special characters such a character early
Betaine these words:
The row idol how serious a person may Sama
ZTE in good blood saves Put unjust.

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

Slurring: Language: enter something in something.
Idiomatically: is the introduction of Nun static or special characters in a character slurring so Aasiran one letter stressing (where utter a second letter stressing) and the requirement that the fall Noon static or special characters in the last word, and the next character in the first word that after such as: (whom he will - it is works), but if the signed static nun before character of slurring characters in one word not Tdgm
It appears this character called (SHOW absolute), such as Banyan - minimum - Guenoan - twins).

Manifesting: in language: Is the statement.
Idiomatically: is pronunciation بالنون show static or Tanween of non غنة and called SHOW annular, because the letters where it is given of the throat.

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

Alaqlab: in the language: is to turn the thing on his face, and the heart of the thing is to make the above, below or inward phenomenon.
Idiomatically: is the heart of Nun static or pure Tanween Mima taking into account Aghannh, if it came after the Alaba character.

Full of Start of Start: (Getting Started: is to start reading, either starting or after silence during the reading), (full Getting Started: is to start what has nothing to do with what came before rude or meaning, and often have the following placements:
(A) The heads of the verses.
(B) early fence.
(C) Starting Pia appeal, Balastfham or Plame assertion or requirement
And other ...
Example: "Is it the creator is God gives you sustenance from heaven and earth ...." )

تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

بارك الله فيكى

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : فاطمة سعيد

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

thank you

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

جزاكي الله خيرا
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

جزاك اللہ خير وجعلها ف ميزان حسناتك

افتراضي رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

رد: تعليم احكام التجويد,,,Education Tajweed

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ريموووو

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التسجيل بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل