
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


129770 الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

مقدمة عن الأحاديث القدسية Introduction sacred conversations

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

In the name of God the Merciful: conversations sacred concerned conversations antiseptic and المنزهة and is issued by the God Almighty, and told her God Almighty of the Prophet peace be upon him by Jibril, peace be upon him, or inspiration, or a dream and has had enough put these conversations affecting Perhaps God God gave each of read and sacredness conversations generally indicate broad Almighty God's mercy and that included everything has uttered words of Muhammad, peace be upon him, who does not speak of passion that is only revelation revealed when all of the Lord of mankind.
الاحاديث القدسيه ,Sacred conversations

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and is rumored issued by the Lord Almighty

(1) {O My servants, I have given you as well and I asked you a loan it gave me something voluntarily, which gave him a speedy in the precipitated and enshrined him in a term and took from it what I gave him unwillingly and patience and necessitated awarded him my prayers and my mercy and I wrote converts and looking for him to look at to} (narrators Rafeay for Abu Huraira).

(2) {God revealed to David, peace be upon him: The slave doomsday comes with good, Vahkmh out in paradise .. David, peace be upon him said: O Lord, and from this?? Come on God said: believer seeks to his brother believer in need likes to make it up, I spent or not eliminated} (narrated Sakba from).

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

(3) {O son of Adam, you called me and Rjotny forgiven you for what you had in you. And if أتيتنى fill the earth sins أتيتك the land fill remission unless involve Pei something, and were your sins to the sky then Astgvrtiny, you are forgiven}

(4) {from Normal Li and Leah has أذنتة war, and is closer to Abdi something I love to which أفترضتة it, and what servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works until I love him if I loved him I am his hearing which he hears, and his sight which he sees him and his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks by and asked me to Oattiynh and The استعاذ the me to Oaivnh, and Metrddt for something I am one who does the same bandwidth insured hates death and I hate Madsth} (Bukhari).

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

(5) {God if I like a slave called Gabriel: I love Flana love him Jibreel loves him and the people of the sky, then put his acceptance in the ground and if God hated slave called Jibril: I hated Flana the فأبغضه فيبغضة Jibril, then calling in the people of the sky if God hates Flana the Phippgdouna then placed his hatred in the earth} (Narrated by Muslim).

(6) I am as My slave thinks, and I'm with him if it reminded me of the reminded himself said to myself, and that reminded me filled reported in filled with the best of them, and that nearly to Shubra approached him Bdhiraa, and is closer to an arm approached mechanism sold The walks came to me and I approached him trot} (Bukhari).

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

(7) {no god but God is my strength, who entered the fortress security My punishment)

(8) {that God says to His servants the Day of Resurrection: O son of Adam, I got sick did not promise me, O Lord said how Oaudk and You are the Lord of the Worlds, he said, but learned that Abdi Flana the film prepared by the disease but I learned that if you promised him and I found him? O son of Adam Asttamtk did تطعمنى, O Lord said how اطعمك and You are the Lord of the Worlds. He said: I learned that Abdi Flana of Asttamk did not feed him not know if you're fed will find that I have? O son of Adam Astsagatk did Tsagny said: How Asagak and You are the Lord of the Worlds, said The Astsagak the Abdi Flana the film Tsagh either you if Sagath found that I have} (Narrated by Muslim).

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

(9) {There is no Muslim die فيشهد the him Erah of adenine, but neighbors said: I have told your information in it and forgiven him money, you know} (Narrated by Ahmad).

(10) {say Allah on the Day of Resurrection: Where Those who love each بجلالى today Azlhm in my shadow on no shade but my shadow} (Narrated by Muslim).

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

(11) {God caught the Day of Resurrection the earth and the heavens with his right hand and say: I'm the king} (Bukhari)

الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : هبه شلبي

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

جزاكي الله خيرا
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

جزاك اللہ خير وجعلها ف ميزان حسناتك

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ريموووو

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

ماشاء الله وجزاكم الله خيرا

افتراضي رد: الاحاديث القدسيه ,,,,Sacred conversations

جزاكي الله كل خير

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
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برنامج Hadith يحتوى على 4 كتب تضم بها جميع الاحاديث الشريفه ( بخارى وم درة مكنونة كتب اسلامية

الساعة الآن 06:45 AM

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