
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


129127 Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

( If they were told they follow what Allah has sent down , but they said we follow what our fathers coming under it )
[Al-Baqarah : 170
They said ( and I found our fathers on the nation and I guided on their tracks ) . [Decoration : 22 ] .
It is not intended to talk about the unbelievers , but is intended to show that human nature tends to tradition .
Thus, if a Muslim highlighted in front of good role models and high-end models , it is quick to imitate and torment them.

The Muslim demands Baltasa pathological models good God Almighty , we have found the Koran says the Prophet peace be upon him after he talked about some of the prophets and Almrslinmn means of acquiring morality : Alosop Al_husnaolik who Fbhadahm Aqtdh guidance of Allah ... ) verse .
A means of acquiring morality : good example
This good example has an astonishing effect in the acquisition of virtues for many reasons .. Including:
1 ) The fact that these role models appreciated and great admiration of the people , which is born in the individual deprived of the reasons for this glory strong incentives paid to imitate this good example and simulation in morals and behavior , thus turning it over time to create an acquired .
2) the presence of role models and models good arable gives others are convinced that the attainment of these virtues is possible to try embryogenesis may give such morals .
3) that the human psyche is affected practical matters much more influenced by matters theory ; That is why we found the mother of believers Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased refers to the Prophet that begins to shave his head after Khudaibiya at the time declined when many Muslims for the throat when they saw the Messenger of Allah shaved raced to throat following the example of its peace be upon him ; that's also about the impact of some of the salaf said: the act of a man in a thousand men told of a thousand men in the words of a man.
*A means of acquiring morality : good example

Because of the influence of good role models in bizarre acquire virtues and found the Koran directs to torment fine manners and a modern interpretation : ( I've had you in the Messenger of Allah a good example ) [parties : 21 ] .
He is the best role model emulated by private individuals , and individuals aspiring to achieve perfection in human behavior .
While moved Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him next to the Lord, God has saved us his year , and remained his immortal witness to His Highness the spirit and the perfection of himself and the elevation of morals , what is the one who wants to follow his example , but her readings and work to what it was peace be upon him .

If we look at this generation unique goodness gracious Prophet peace be upon him , we will find a better role model for the Muslim community throughout the ages . But hardly devoid of Ages era of category locked valid represent a good example for those who wanted to torment her .

He said peace be upon him : "Still the nation of my list by order of God does not hurt them to let them down nor disagreed with them until he is God and that they are " [ Bukhari and Muslim ] .
A means of acquiring morality : good example
It should be on the reformers, educators and advocates : to highlight these models are suitable for young people and follow the example of people in all the time we are meant to be Alosop us is the player and the artist and dancer .
It has conducted one of the universities in some Islamic countries a questionnaire among a group of young men and women and the question was : What do you want to be?

Shockingly, that a large proportion say they want to be represented or football players , prompting the researchers to wonder : Who can be a doctor , engineer and lawyer ... etc.? ! ! .
The reason for it _ from our point of view _ to deliberately highlight these models as the star of society in addition to the physical life of the tyrant imbued many societies , as of the most important reasons for this phenomenon of ignorance , ignorance of the teachings of religion and ignorance of the biography of the Prophet peace be upon him , and the biography of the Companions and scholars and reformers .
*A means of acquiring morality : good example

Therefore , when we call for a return to like what it was Ancestors , we do not call for a return to the life of the camel , and the camel also think some of the ignorant and biased , we are but we call to return to like what they were in the belief and work ethics and values ​​even prevail virtue and fade vice and happy people communities virtuous .

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

جزيتى خيرا غاليتى

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حسناء

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : Frawla

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : الملكة نفرتيتي

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

تسلم الايااادي

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا محمد

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : sweet flower

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

شكرا جزيلا لك أخيتي على مساهمتك الفعالة في التعريف بديننا الحنيف جزيت خيرا

افتراضي رد: Good morals الاخلاق الحسنه

جزاكي الله كل خير

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

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الساعة الآن 04:27 PM

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