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افتراضي احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبايلك

Smart Launcher 3 Pro v3.08.26

احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبايلك

Smart Launcher 3 Pro unlocks the full potential of Smart Launcher. Exclusive features, even more customization and full control on the categories system

- Up to 9 screens when you can place your widgets
- You can assign a widget to an icon to show up it with a double tap
- Double finger gestures to quickly access to apps and contacts
- New Arch Layout
- Smart flat surface detection

- Full management of your category list
- 20 new categories ready to add to your drawer
- 7 extra drawer animations
- Faster support and updates

Speed up your device with Smart Launcher 3. The innovative launcher that makes your Android more intuitive and well organized. Find out why it has been downloaded by over 20 million people. Smart Launcher 3 is completely different from any other launcher on Play Store. Its not based on the AOSP launcher.

- Low resource requirements, save RAM and battery
- Material design
- Quick access to your favourite apps
- Double tap on an icon to start a second app
- Your apps list is automatically sorted by categories
- Search bar for quick search in apps, contacts and web
- Notifications on homescreen
- Turn off the screen with a double tap or just by leaving your device on a flat surface
- Integrated lockscreen with notifications
- Highly personalizable. Tons of themes and lockscreen, support for almost all iconpack
- Plugin architecture. You can download and enable only the features you want
- Security: You can hide apps from the apps grid and protect them with password
- Optimized to be comfortably used both in portrait and landscape mode
- Runs on almost every Android device. Runs on phone, tablet and Google TV
- Community driven development

screen shots

احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبايلك

احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبايلك















افتراضي رد: احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبايلك

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : زاهرة الياياسمين

افتراضي رد: احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبا



افتراضي رد: احدث اصدار من البرنامج الرائع Smart Launcher Pro v3.07.2 لتغير شكل موبا

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