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جديد How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Our Lord! Make us not a trial for the disbelievers”
[al-Mumtahanah 60:5].
How can a Muslim be a trial for those who disbelieve?.

Praise be to Allaah. He can be a trial for those who disbelieve if the kuffaar gain power over him, because the kaafir’s gaining power over the Muslim is a trial (fitnah), as they will carry the burden of the sins they commit against us, so that is a trial for them.
The phrase “a trial for those who disbelieve” may also be understood as meaning that they try to tempt us away from our religion by means of persecution, as in the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, those who put into trial the believing men and believing women (by torturing them and burning them), and then do not turn in repentance (to Allaah), then they will have the torment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the burning Fire”
[al-Burooj 85:5].
This verse includes both meanings, because the two meanings do not exclude one another. The basic principle in tafseer is that if the verse may be interpreted in two ways that do not exclude one another, then it must be interpreted in both ways. End quote.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him)
How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ربي رضاك والجنة

افتراضي رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : نَقاء الرُّوح

افتراضي رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

جزاكِ الله خيراً يا حبيبتي ♥

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

افتراضي رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : عہاشہقہة الہورد

افتراضي رد: How can the Muslim be a trial for the kaafir

السلام عليكم
منورين حبيبي

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ربي رضاك والجنة

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