Everyone goes to the toilet….or at least every normal person. It is simply natural and also an important part of human life. Of course without this ability, our body would not be able to get rid of toxic waste. But what are the steps a Muslim should follow when nature calls? How does he enter the toilet, what should he avoid and what should he say…. Here are the answers.
1. Always answer the call
No matter what you are doing or about to do, always make sure you use the bathroom/toilet when you feel the urge. By this I mean, even when you want to pray salaat and you feel you need to use the toilet, go and do that first before performing your prayers. Otherwise, you might be praying without focus, and may be forced to rush through your salat. Also, it helps prevent infection as keeping urine for long in the bladder can lead to a lot of complications such as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).
2. Make dua
The toilet/bathroom is an unclean place, and may harbour jinns or other evil spirits. That is why it is a Sunnah to recite the following dua before one enters the toilet: “Bismillah”Allahumma innee a’oodhu bika minal khubthi wal khabaa-ith.” (In the name of Allah I seek refuge from the male and female unclean spirits)
3. Enter with the left foot
4. Face away from the Qibla but do not give your back to it either.
5. Wash your private parts thoroughly with water.
6. Wash your hands.
7. Leave with the right foot and say: “Ghufraanaka” (I seek Allah’s forgiveness)
Do Not:
1. Eat or drink in the toilet
2. Sing or talk while in the toilet.
3. Stay too long, reading a newspaper or using a phone
I hope you found this useful. The steps are very simple and easy to follow. Let us try and inculcate these simple acts of worship in our daily lives and In sha Allah, we shall reap the benefits.