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افتراضي English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
English Language TranslationEnglish Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
The Meanings of The Holy Quran

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of
2 The Cow -Al Baqarah
Fifth quarter
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.75] Do you then hope that they will believe in you, when some of them have already heard the Word of Allah and knowingly tampered with it, after they understood it!
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.76] When they meet those who believe, they say: 'We are believers. ' But when alone, they say to their other (chiefs). 'Do you tell to them what Allah has revealed to you so that they will dispute with you concerning it with your Lord? Have you no sense? '
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.77] Do they not know that Allah has knowledge of all they hide and all that they reveal!
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.78] And some of them are common (people) and do not know the Book, but only wishful thoughts, and they are only doubters.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.79] Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say: 'This is from Allah, ' in order to gain a small price for it. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for their earnings.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.80] They say: 'The Fire will never touch us except for a number of days. ' Say: 'Did Allah make you such a promise for Allah never breaks His promise or do you say about Allah what you do not know? '
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.81] Indeed, he who earns evil and becomes engrossed in his sin, they are the people of the Fire; in it they shall remain for ever.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.82] But those who believe and do good works are the people of Paradise; for ever they shall live in it.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.83] (Remember) when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, you shall worship none except Allah. Show kindness to your parents, to kinsmen, to the orphans, and to the needy, and speak of goodness to people. Establish your prayers and pay the obligatory charity. But, except for a few, you all turned your backs and gave no heed.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.84] And when We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood or turn yourselves out of your dwellings, to this you consented and bore witness.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.85] Yet there you are, slaying your ownselves, and turning a number of them out of their dwellings, and helping each other against them with sin and aggression. Although, should they come to you as captives, you would ransom them. Surely, their expulsion was unlawful. Do you then believe in a part of the Book and disbelieve another! What shall be the recompense of those of you who do that, but degradation in the worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection to be returned to the most terrible punishment. Allah is not inattentive of what you do.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.86] Such are they who buy the worldly life at the price of the Everlasting Life. Their punishment shall not be lightened, nor shall they be helped.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.87] To Moses We gave the Book and after him We sent other Messengers. We gave (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary, veritable signs, and supported him with the Spirit of Purity (Gabriel). Will you then become proud whenever any Messenger comes to you with that which does not suit your fancies, and you belied some (Prophet Jesus) and killed others!
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.88] They say: 'Our hearts are covered. ' But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief. Little is that they believe.
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter[2.89] And when a Book came to them from Allah confirming what was with them, while before that they used to pray for victory over the unbelievers when there came to them what they knew, they disbelieved him. Therefore, the curse of Allah be upon the unbelievers
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
Translated by : Grand
Shaykh, Professor Hasan
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

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توقيع : أم أمة الله

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رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
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توقيع : دوما لك الحمد

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رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter
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إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fifth quarter

تسلمي حبيبتي وجزاكى الله خيرا
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ام سيف 22

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English Language Translation The Meanings of The Holy Quran please followورد يومى لتفسير القرآن ارجو المتابعة أم أمة الله What is Islam
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al BaqarahThird quarter أم أمة الله What is Islam
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah second quarter أم أمة الله What is Islam
English Language Translation The Meanings of 2 The Cow -Al Baqarah Fourth quarter أم أمة الله What is Islam
English Language Translation The Meanings of The Holy Quran please followورد يومى لتفسير القرآن ارجو المتابعة أم أمة الله What is Islam

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