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افتراضي What Is Sharia Law?


As with so many aspects of Islam, some non-Muslims criticize "Sharia law" without really knowing the first thing about it.
The term “Sharia law” is tossed around so much these days that it could easily be mistaken for a concept that everyone understands, including non-Muslims. But that is far from the case, a fact never more apparent than when non-Muslims organize anti-Sharia protests in the name of “fighting terrorism” while simultaneously declaring their respect for “peaceful Muslims” everywhere.

aria, a set of guiding moral principles derived from the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, is inseparable from the practice of Islam. Indeed, it covers every aspect of Muslim life, according to Clark Lombardi, director of Islamic legal studies at the University of Washington School of Law:

In Arabic, “Sharia” literally means “path,” and is understood to be the path to salvation. It is the sum total of the things that you must do (and refrain from doing) if you are going to heaven. This includes things that states enforce (laws against theft) and also some things that states never try to enforce — how to greet your neighbors, what to eat, how to brush your teeth etc. You answer to God for everything in the Sharia, and you only answer to the state for a few of them.

Sharia was born during a period of Islamic expansion following the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD. Its principles come from four traditional sources, writes Georgetown University Islamic civilization scholar Jonathan Brown:

The first two are believed by Muslims to be revealed by God either directly or indirectly: 1) the revelation of the Quran … and 2) the authoritative precedent of the Prophet Muhammad known as his Sunna (often communicated in reports about the Prophet’s words and deeds, called Hadith). These two sources work in tandem. The Sunna is the lens through which the Quran is read, explaining and adding to it.

The second two sources are the products of human effort to understand and channel the revelation of God through the Prophet: 3) the ways that the early Muslim community applied the Quran and the Sunna, and 4) the further extension of this tradition of legal reasoning by Muslim scholars in the centuries since. The human effort to mine these sources and construct concrete, applicable rules from the abstraction of the Shariah is known as fiqh. If Shariah is the idea and ideal of God’s law, then fiqh is its earthly — and thus its inevitably fallible and diverse — manifestation.

What Is Sharia Law?

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