
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي the Holy Quran in English Surat AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bicktha

the Holy Quran in English Surat  AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bicktha

Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran in English
Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal

the Holy Quran in English Surat  AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bicktha

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.


Alif. Lam. Mim.


The Romans have been defeated


In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious


Within ten years - Allah’s is the command in the former case and in the latter - and in that day believers will rejoice


In Allah’s help to victory. He helpeth to victory whom He will. He is the Mighty, the Merciful.


It is a promise of Allah. Allah faileth not His promise, but most of mankind know not.


They know only some appearance of the life of the world, and are heedless of the Hereafter.


Have they not pondered upon themselves ? Allah created not the heavens and the earth, and that which is between them, save with truth and for a destined end. But truly many of mankind are disbelievers in the meeting with their Lord.


Have they not travelled in the land and seen the nature of the consequence for those who were before them ? They were stronger than these in power, and they dug the earth and built upon it more than these have built. Messengers of their own came unto them with clear proofs (of Allah’s Sovereignty). Surely Allah wronged them not, but they did wrong themselves.


Then evil was the consequence to those who dealt in evil, because they denied the revelations of Allah and made a mock of them.


Allah produceth creation, then He reproduceth it, then unto Him ye will be returned.


And in the day when the Hour riseth the unrighteous will despair.


There will be none to intercede for them of those whom they made equal with Allah. And they will reject their partners (whom they ascribed unto Him).


In the day when the Hour cometh, in that day they will be sundered.


As for those who believed and did good works, they will be made happy in a Garden.


But as for those who disbelieved and denied Our revelations, and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, such will be brought to doom.


So glory be to Allah when ye enter the night and when ye enter the morning -


Unto Him be praise in the heavens and the earth! - and at the sun’s decline and in the noonday.


He bringeth forth the living from the dead, and He bringeth forth the dead from the living, and He reviveth the earth after her death. And even so will ye be brought forth.


And of His signs is this: He created you of dust, and behold you human beings, ranging widely!


And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect.


And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Lo! herein indeed are portents for men of knowledge.


And of His signs is your slumber by night and by day, and your seeking of His bounty. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who heed.


And of His signs is this: He showeth you the lightning for a fear and for a hope, and sendeth down water from the sky, and thereby quickeneth the earth after her death. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who understand.


And of His signs is this: The heavens and the earth stand fast by His command, and afterward, when He calleth you, lo! from the earth ye will emerge.


Unto Him belongeth whosoever is in the heavens and the earth. All are obedient unto Him.


He it is Who produceth creation, then reproduceth it, and it is easier for Him. His is the Sublime Similitude in the heavens and the earth. He is the Mighty, the Wise.


He coineth for you a similitude of yourselves. Have ye, from among those whom your right hands possess, partners in the wealth We have bestowed upon you, equal with you in respect thereof, so that ye fear them as ye fear each other (that ye ascribe unto Us partners out of that which We created) ? Thus We display the revelations for people who have sense.


Nay, but those who do wrong follow their own lusts without knowledge. Who is able to guide him whom Allah hath sent astray ? For such there are no helpers.


So set thy purpose (O Muhammad) for religion as a man by nature upright - the nature (framed) of Allah, in which He hath created man. There is no altering (the laws of) Allah’s creation. That is the right religion, but most men know not -
the Holy Quran in English Surat  AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bicktha

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: the Holy Quran in English Surat AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bick

رد: the Holy Quran in English Surat  AR RUUM 1:30 Translation: Mamdouk Bick

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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الساعة الآن 08:39 PM

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