
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t

Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t
Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I
How Islam Has Protected the Rights of Woman - II

Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t

The call for women's liberation differs in its implicit sense from its outward form. On the surface, it is characterized by magnanimity and freedom of opinion; however, it intrinsically entails spreading corruption and vice. The calls of the people who want to westernize our societies keep changing constantly, their premises differ, their methods renew, and they insist on contradicting the Shari'ah (Islamic legislation). They mix the truth with falsehood, but their slogans deceive only those who do not have discerning insight and a wise mind. Their slogans are sometimes under the title of women's liberation, at other times in the name of making use of women's capabilities, and at other times under the name of 'justice for women'.
These are various calls with different titles, but they embody only one aim, which is taking women away from the path of Islam, making her subject to contempt and humiliation. Woe to the people who think that Islam subjugates women and does not liberate them! If Islam did not give the woman her rights and was not just with her, then what is the criterion of judging women? Is it my mind, your mind, or the mind of some engineer, teacher, thinker? These minds will surely disagree, but Allah The Almighty is the one who created all these minds, and He, The Almighty, is the one who ordered women to wear the Hijab (Islamic covering), and legislated the rules that give them their rights in marriage, inheritance and as witnesses. So why do they challenge the rules of Allah The Almighty? What liberation do they claim? Do they want to liberate the woman from the rules of Islam? Or do they want to liberate her honor? Or exploit her in advertising or for other purposes?
In order to see how Islam honors women, let us take a look at the status of women in the pre-Islamic ages. In the times of Romans, the husband had the right to sentence his wife to death whenever he wanted. For the Greeks, the woman had no value and for the Jews, the woman was a despised and dirty creature. In the early days of Christianity, its followers were confused whether the woman has a spirit or she is just a body without spirit. In the Arab Period of Ignorance, women were regarded with extreme pessimism, to the extent that baby girls were buried alive.
Islam came to esteem woman and put her in her appropriate place. Islam forbids directing any insult to women and gazing at them, in order to preserve their dignity. Islam made gold, silver and silk lawful to women, in order to look beautiful, taking into consideration that women like beautification. Spending on her is an obligation either on her husband, or, if she is unmarried, her father. She has a share in inheritance of which she was deprived in the laws of the previous nations.
Moreover, the Companions of the Prophet Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, the Jews keep away from wives during menstruation,' whereupon he said: "Do everything with them except having sexual intercourse." The Prophet Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t was the best example of honoring women. Once, he raced with `Aaishah, may Allah be pleased with her, who outran him. Afterwards, he raced with her again and outran her. He Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t then smiled and said to her: "You won once and I won once." He Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t also said: "Take good care of women."
To summarize, Islam came, raised women from rock bottom, to a secure life, making her strong and honored after she was despised and humiliated by many others.
Despite all this, there are still some people who have joined the ranks of the West; who speak their language and adopt their ideas, under the claim of liberating women. They want Western women to be role models for Muslims. This is because their view originates either from a narrow viewpoint or from emotions that overcome reasoning. The following statistics about Western women are an index of the disasters threatening human life in major cities in the West: in the U.S., the Ministry of Justice mentioned that 1900 women are raped everyday. In Austria, it was discovered that four children out of every ten are illegitimate.
Ask those who join their voices with that of the West, about the ill effects of the breakdown of families that are living through now, about the fate of boys and girls after they reach the age of fifteen, and about the dangers that threaten young women. Ask them about the misery of elderly women, whose husbands enter into relationships with their mistresses, whose sons and daughters are busy with their own partners, and ask them why nursing homes are overcrowded with the elderly.
How Islam Has Protected the Rights of Woman - II
Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t
17- Islam even protects the lives of polytheistic women by forbidding their being killed in wars. It was narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, “A woman was found killed during one of the battles led by the Prophet Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t thereupon he Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t forbade killing women and children (in wars)." [Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others]

18- Islam protects the rights of the woman by prohibiting burying her alive and making it obligatory to provide her with a good upbringing and education. Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means): {And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked - for what sin she was killed.} [Quran 81:8-9] The Messenger of Allah Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t said: "Whoever has a female child whom he neither buries alive, nor humiliates, and never favors a male child of his over her, Allah will admit him to Paradise.”
19- Islam protects the rights of the woman by considering her a fundamental component of goodness in the world and the Hereafter. The Messenger of Allah Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t said: "If one is given the following four, he will have the goodness of both this world and the Hereafter: a thankful heart, an ever-remembering tongue (that always remembers and mentions Allah), a persevering body (that is patient) when under ordeal and a wife who maintains his honor and property."
20- Islam protects the rights of the woman by considering her as the finest thing in this world. The Messenger of Allah Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t said: "The world is but enjoyment, and the finest enjoyment is a righteous woman (wife)."
21- Islam protects the rights of the woman by placing Paradise, the aim of all the believers, under her feet. What a great honor the woman has received in Islam! The Messenger of Allah Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t said: "(The way to) Paradise lies beneath the feet of mothers." It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t and the latter asked him: "Do you have a mother (alive)?" He answered in the affirmative, thereupon, the Prophet Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t said: "Then, stick to her, as (the way to) Paradise lies beneath her feet."
22- Islam protects the rights of the woman by removing from her the curse of perpetual sin which the previous religions stained her with; rather; Islam considers Hawwaa’ (Eve) and her husband, Aadam (Adam), may Allah exalt their mention, as having sinned and then been given repentance and forgiveness. Allah The Almighty Says (what means):
* {But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been.} [Quran 2:36]
* {But Satan whispered to them.} [Quran 7:20]
When Aadam (Adam) may Allah exalt his mention, and eve had sinned, Allah condemned one person only, who was Aadam, as Allah Says (what means): {Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Aadam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?"} [Quran 20:120]
23- Islam protects the rights of the woman by assigning to her a share in inheritance after she herself had been (for long centuries) a part of it. Allah The Almighty Says (what means):

* {For men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, and for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, be it little or much - an obligatory share.} [Quran 4:7]
* {Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are [only] daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's parents, to each one of them is a sixth of his estate if he left children. But if he had no children and the parents [alone] inherit from him, then for his mother is one third. And if he had brothers [or sisters], for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest he [may have] made or debt. Your parents or your children - you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. [These shares are] an obligation [imposed] by Allah. Indeed, Allah is Ever Knowing and Wise. And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they [may have] made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you [may have] made or debt. And if a man or woman leaves neither ascendants nor descendants but has a brother or a sister, then for each one of them is a sixth. But if they are more than two, they share a third, after any bequest which was made or debt, as long as there is no detriment [caused]. [This is] an ordinance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.} [Quran 4:11-12]
24- Islam protects the rights of the woman by granting her all her civil rights. She thus came to have the right to conclude contracts of sale, purchase, authorization, partnership, loan, mortgage, to gift, and so on.
25- Islam protects the rights of the woman by removing from her the permanent state of being minor, as it acknowledged her full legal competence and gave her the right of guardianship over her property and other affairs.
Women's Liberation Movement: A Critical Look - I How Islam Has Protected t

إظهار التوقيع
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