
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي مراجعه عامه ونهائيه انجليزى 2 اعدادى ترم ثانى

مذكرة مراجعه عامه انجليزى 2 اعدادى ترم ثانى
• ينظر إلى look at • يبحث عن look for • يعتنى بـ look after
• يتطلع باشتياق إلى look forward to • يبحث فى كتاب أو قاموس look up
Choose the correct answer:
1- A nurse looks (at – for – up – after) patients.
2- I looked (up – after – forward – for) my keys, but I didn’t find them.
3- Look (at – for – up – after) the question on the blackboard, then answer.
4- I am looking (up – after – forward – for) to seeing my uncle who is abroad.
5- Look these difficult words (up – after – forward – for) in the dictionary.
6- Mothers look (at – for – up – after) their children.
7- I looked (up – for – after – forward) this piece of information in the book, but I didn’t find it.
8- We are looking (to – up – forward – for) to the holiday.
2- هذه الصفات تستخدم فى وصف المشاعر الإنسانية:
هادئ calm – عصبى nervous – غاضب angry – حزين sad – سعيد happy – منفعل excited
…etc مندهش surprised
3- Definitions

a kind of ship that sails underwater. submarine
a place where we can go swimming. beach
a particular kind of glass which can’t be broken. special glass
father and mother. parents
someone who teaches at university. professor
someone who searches for things underwater. diver
someone who defends the country. soldier
someone who flies a plane. pilot

حالة الشرط الثانية (1) Second conditional with "if"
Verb 2 Verb 1 connector
would or could + infinitive past simple If
تستخدم هذه الحالة فى:
1- أحداث بعيدة الاحتمال (متخيلة) Improbable actions
2- نصيحة advice
Choose the correct answer:
1- If I (have – has – had – would have) some money, I would buy this camera.
2- If you travelled to Paris, you (will see – would see – would have seen – would seeing) the Eiffel Tower.
3- If she (came – come – had come – comes) to the party, she would meet her friends.
4- If I (am – is – be – were) you, I would see a doctor.
5- If someone walked in class with a snake, I (would be – will be – would have been – be) frightened.
6- If I were you, I (will buy – bought – would buy – buy) this car.
Complete the following sentences:
1- If I had some money, ……………………
2- If I had a free holiday, I would travel to ………………
3- If I were a footballer, I would like to be ………………
4- If I were a picture, I would like to be …………………
5- If I were you, I’d ……………………….
ضمائر المفعول 2- Object pronouns
me – him – her – it – you – us - them
ضمائر المفعول تأتى فى نهاية الجملة أو بعد حر الجر
I - he - she - it - you - we - they هذه ضمائر الفاعل وتأتى فى صدر الجملة ( بدايتها )
Choose the correct answer:
1- My father gave (I – my – me – he) a present in my birthday.
2- I advised (her – hers – she – they) not to watch TV too much.
3- Hany, Ali and Mohammed are my friends and I like (they – our – their – them) much.
4- They will meet (we – us – our – ours) at 5 o’clock.
5- There was an interesting film on TV and we enjoyed watching (him – her – they – it).
6- Shaker is on the phone dad. Would you like to tell (him – he – his – this) anything?
Correct the underlined words:
1- Nadia is a kind person and we all love them.
2- could you help my carry this bag, please?
3- I bought a present in my brother’s birthday and gave it to her.
Go +v+ing
I will go swimming
Want to + inf
He wants to become a doctor
Let's + inf تستخدم هذه الصيغة للاقتراح
Let's visit the Pyramids.

1- إذا أردنا أن نشير إلى اسم الأسرة نجمع الاسم ونضع أمامه the مثل:
عائلة زكى the Zakis عائلة احمد the Ahmeds عائلة حسن the Hassans
2- لاحظ الفعل go يأتى بعده (v-ing)
go shopping – go swimming – go diving – go sightseeing
استخدام المضارع المستمر فى المستقبل 1- The present continuous with a future meaning

am)+ v + ing – (is -are
يستخدم المضارع المستمر عند التخطيط للمستقبل
1- They …………... (leave) to Cairo on Monday.
2- He ………….. (arrive) in Paris on Tuesday.
3- She ……………… (fly) to London next week.
2- To + infinitive or v – ing
• بعض الأفعال يأتى بعدها to + infinitive مثل:
would like – would prefer – want – decide
• بعض الأفعال يأتى بعدها v-ing مثل:

like – prefer – dislike – enjoy – suggest – look forward to – mind – go
• بعض المصطلحات ياتى بعدها v ing
interested in – good at – bad at
1- I would like …….. ….(be) a doctor when I grow up.
2- she enjoys ………. ….(work) on the computer.
3- we look forward to … (visit) our uncle’s farm.
4- I'm interested in ………………. (read) short stories.
5- we decided ……………….. ……(meet) at the cinema at 5 o’clock.
يجب 3- must / have to
• تساوى have to/has to كلمة must ويستخدموا للتعبير عن الضرورة والإلزام فى المضارع ويليها فعل فى المصدر.
• وفى حالة عم وجود ضرورة نستخدم don’t have to /doesn’t have to/needn’t
• وتستخدم had to للتعبير عن الضرورة فى الماضى.
• وفى حالة عدم وجود ضرورة فى الماضى نستخدم didn’t have to
• عند وجود ضرورة فى المستقبل نستخدم will have to
• عند عدم وجود ضرورة فى المستقبل نستخدم won’t have to
1- It is raining. I ……………..… (take) a taxi.
2- I don’t know the meaning of some English words. I …...….. (buy) a dictionary.
3- They ………………..….. (write) a composition in class now.
4- We …………...……. (hurry) because there was much time.
5- There wasn’t any tea. I …………………(buy) some.

SO بمعنى لذلك ويأتى خلفها النتيجة
I was ill so I went to see a doctor
Because بمعنى ( لأن – بسبب ) ويأتى بعدها السبب.
Iwent to see a doctor because Iwas ill.


اعتاد أن used to
مصدر used to + + فاعل
• تستخدم للتعبير عن عادة فى الماضى
1- I …………… (get up) late.
2- She ………..…… (be) naughty things when she was young.
3- They ……… (play) football two years ago.
4- Tamer ……….. (score) a lot of goals when he was a footballer.
مصدر didn’t use to + + فاعل Negative form:
1- ……………………
2- ……………………
3- ……………………
4- ……………………
مصدر use to + + فاعل+ Did Question:
1- ……………………
2- ……………………
3- ……………………
4- ……………………

أيضا 2- too …. either
• تأتى too بمعنى أيضا مع الإثبات أما either فتأتى مع النفى
1- I used to sing songs in music class…………….…....
2- I didn’t use to get dirty ………….….
3- She has been to London ……………
4- They never eat ice cream …………..
5- Noha doesn’t like mango juice ……
أثناء ... عندما 3- during … when/while
• هذه الكلمات لها نفس المعنى ويمكن استخدام واحدة مكان الأخرى
• ولكن during يأتى بعدها noun أما when/while يليها جملة (فاعل + فعل)
1- …….. the summer holiday, I used to go to my uncle’s farm.
2- I was ten ………….………… I used to ride a bicycle.
3- ……………….…… she was at the university, she got married.
4- I used to go to school on foot ……………..….. primary school.
5- She met Ali ………… she was at the restaurant.
6- She fell asleep …………. the film.
الجمع plurals
• يجمع الاسم فى اللغة الانجليزية بطرق مختلفة:
أ- بإضافة s إلى نهاية الاسم:
car cars/door doors/book books
ب: بإضافة es إلى نهاية الاسم الذى ينتهى بالحروف الاتيه ((ss-o-x-ch-sh:
box boxes/class classes
ج: بقلب ال y إلى ies إذا كان قبلها حرف ساكن:
factory factories/story stories
د: قلب ال f / fe إلى ves:
knife knives/shelf shelves
هـ: جمع شاذ:
child children/man men/woman women/foot feet/tooth teeth

1- Compound words
• لاحظ الكلمات الآتية :
1- شخص ما someone – شئ ما something – مكان ما somewhere
تشير هذه الكلمات إلى شخص، شئ،مكان غير محدد فى جملة مثبتة.
2- أى شخص anyone – أى شئ anything – أى مكان anywhere
تشير هذه الكلمات إلى شخص،شئ،مكان غير محدد فى جملة منفية
3- كل واحد everyone- كل شئ everything – كل مكان everywhere
تشير هذه الكلمات إلى جميع الأشخاص، والأشياء، والأماكن
4- ولا واحد no one – ولا شئ nothing – ولا مكان nowhere
تشير هذه الكلمات إلى عدم وجود شخص،شئ، مكان
Choose the correct answer:
1- I asked if (anyone – someone – everyone – no one) wanted an ice cream.
2- Did (anyone – someone – everyone – no one) phone me when I was out?
3- You're face looks terribly familiar. Haven't I seen you (anywhere – nowhere –
somewhere – everywhere) before?
4- She left the room without saying (nothing – something – everything – anything).
5- Who was at the party? (Anyone – Someone – Everyone – No one) Pete, Anne, Mark,
Barry and Sally.
6- What would you like to eat for lunch? (Nothing – Something – Everything - Anything)
I don't mind.
7- Where do you want to go on holiday? (Anywhere – Nowhere – Somewhere –
Everywhere) with a beach. I don't care where we go as long as it's sunny and has got a nice sandy beach.
8- I have (nothing – something – everything – anything) to say to you. Goodbye.
9- I can’t find my bag. (Someone – Something – Anyone – Somewhere) must have taken it.
10- She is going (somewhere – nowhere – anywhere – no one). She will stay at home.
2- Whose
أداة الاستفهام whose تسأل عن الملكية:
Whose books are these? •
Whose pen is this? •
Whose car is this? •
Whose houses are these? •
Whose ruler is that? •
ونستخدم ضمائر الملكية فى الإجابة وهى نوعان:
1- نوع يذكر بعده الممتلك وهى: my – his – her – its – your – our - their
2- نوع لايذكر بعده الممتلك وهى: mine – his - hers – its – yours – ours – theirs
3- أو نستخدم ’s) ) مثل
It’s Soha’s book – they are Hassan’s pens
الفاصلة العليا 3- apostrophe
تستخدم فى:
1- الاختصارات مثل: it’s - he’s - they’re - we’ll – I won’t
2- للملكية: Hany’s brother - dad’s office –
1- Where’s Salma’s toys.
2- Are those pens hers? No, they aren’t.
3- It’s Ahmed’s toy.

للتحميل من هنا

انجليزى 2 ع ت 2.doc‏

تحياتى لكم

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ريموووو

افتراضي رد: مراجعه عامه ونهائيه انجليزى 2 اعدادى ترم ثانى

مشكورة حبيبتى
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : شقاوة آنثى

افتراضي رد: مراجعه عامه ونهائيه انجليزى 2 اعدادى ترم ثانى

تسلم ايدك
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : اوزاريس

افتراضي رد: مراجعه عامه ونهائيه انجليزى 2 اعدادى ترم ثانى

شكرا للمرووور
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ريموووو

قد تكوني مهتمة بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
امتحان دور ثانى أولى وتانية اعدادى ريموووو المرحلة الاعدادية
مذكرة سؤال وجواب لقصة طموح جاريه 3 اعدادى ترم ثانى . ريموووو المرحلة الاعدادية
مراجعه عامه س و ج دراسات للصف الثالث الاعدادى ترم ثانى ريموووو المرحلة الاعدادية
نماذج امتحانات الوزاره مجابه رياضيات 3 اعدادى ترم ثانى ريموووو المرحلة الاعدادية
ملزمة دراسات 6 ابتدائى ترم ثانى منهج جديد ريموووو المرحلة الابتدائية

الساعة الآن 09:06 PM

جميع المشاركات تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها وليس بالضرورة وجهة نظر الموقع

التسجيل بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل