
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
English Language TranslationEnglish Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
The Meanings of The Holy Quran

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
English Language Translation The Meanings of
(3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

[7.47] And when they turn their eyes towards the companions of the Fire, they will say: 'Lord, do not cast us among the harmdoers! '
[7.48] And the companions of the ramparts call to men whose marks they recognize: 'Neither your amassing nor your pride have availed you.
[7.49] Are these whom you swore that Allah would never have mercy upon them? ' (To them it will be said 'Enter Paradise. You have nothing to fear neither will you be saddened. '
[7.50] The companions of the Fire will call out to the companions of Paradise: 'Pour upon us some water, or some of that which Allah has provided you. ' But they shall reply: 'Allah has forbidden both to the unbelievers,
[7.51] who made their religion an amusement and play, and who were beguiled by their worldly life. ' On this Day We will forget them as they forgot the meeting of that Day; for they denied Our verses.
[7.52] We have brought to them a Book which We have made plain based upon knowledge, a guidance and a mercy to believers.
[7.53] Are they waiting but for its fulfillment? On the Day when it is realized, those who have forgotten it will say: 'The Messengers of our Lord have surely come with the truth. Have we then any intercessors to intercede for us, or shall we be returned to do other than that we have done? ' They have lost their souls, and that which they invented will have gone astray from them.
[7.54] Your Lord is Allah, who, in six days created the heavens and the earth, and then willed to the Throne. He throws the veil of night over the day. Swiftly they follow one another. The sun, the moon, and the stars are compelled to His order. His is the creation, His is the command. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
[7.55] Supplicate to your Lord with humility and in secret. He does not love the transgressors.
[7.56] Do not make mischief in the earth after it has been put right. Pray to Him with fear and hope; His Mercy is near to the righteous.
[7.57] He sends forth the winds as carriers of the glad tidings between the hands of His Mercy, and when they have carried up a heavy cloud, We drive it on to some dead land and therewith send down water bringing forth all manner of fruit. As such We will raise the dead, in order that you remember.
[7.58] Good land yields its vegetation by the permission of its Lord. While the corrupted yields only the scanty. So We make plain the verses to those who are thankful.
[7.59] We sent forth Noah to his nation. He said: 'Worship Allah, my people, for you have no god except He. I fear for you the punishment of a great Day. '
[7.60] But the assembly of his nation said: 'We can see that you are in clear error. '
[7.61] 'I am not in error, my nation, ' he replied. 'I am a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds
[7.62] (sent) to convey to you the messages of my Lord and to advise you, for I know from Allah what you do not know.
[7.63] Do you wonder that a Remembrance should come to you from your Lord to a man from yourselves in order that he may warn you and that you may be cautious so that mercy comes upon you? '

[7.64] (But) they belied him, so We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark, and We drowned those who belied Our verses. Surely, they were a blind nation.
English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf
Translated by : Grand

Shaykh, Professor Hasan
English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

اياك انك تحطي اي علامة مثل الاستفهام بالترجمة بالانجليزي
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ودائما ارى في مواضيعك نظره ثاقبه
هنيئا ليس لك
بل لنا بك

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : lara well

افتراضي رد: English Language Translation The Meanings of (3)The Ramparts -Al 'A'raf

جزاكي الله خيرا
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
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