
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdouk B

the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdouk B

Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran in English

Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal

the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdouk B

And hell will appear plainly to the erring.
And it will be said unto them: Where is (all) that ye used to worship
Instead of Allah ? Can they help you or help themselves ?
Then will they be hurled therein, they and the seducers
And the hosts of Iblis, together.
And they will say, when they are quarrelling therein:
By Allah, of a truth we were in error manifest
When we made you equal with the Lord of the Worlds.
It was but the guilty who misled us.
Now we have no intercessors
Nor any loving friend.
Oh, that we had another turn (on earth), that we might be of the believers!
Lo! herein is indeed a portent, yet most of them are not believers!
And lo, thy Lord! He is indeed the Mighty, the Merciful.
Noah’s folk denied the messengers (of Allah),
When their brother Noah said unto them: Will ye not ward off (evil) ?
Lo! I am a faithful messenger unto you,
So keep your duty to Allah, and obey me.
And I ask of you no wage therefor; my wage is the concern only of the Lord of the Worlds.
So keep your duty to Allah, and obey me.
They said: Shall we put faith in thee, when the lowest (of the people) follow thee ?
He said: And what knowledge have I of what they may have been doing (in the past) ?
Lo! their reckoning is my Lord’s concern, if ye but knew;
And I am not (here) to repulse believers.
I am only a plain warner.
They said: If thou cease not, O Noah, thou wilt surely be among those stoned (to death).
He said: My Lord! Lo! my own folk deny me.
Therefor judge Thou between us, a (conclusive) judgment, and save me and those believers who are with me.
And We saved him and those with him in the laden ship.
Then afterward We drowned the others.
the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdouk B

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdo

رد: the Holy Quran in English Surat ASY SYU'ARAA' 90:120 Translation: Mamdo

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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